Time-Sliced Embedded Python

This post assumes you are trying to have your game run python rather than the other way around, and you are looking for something quick and dirty that will get the integration up and running quickly.

The two basic options for embedding python go something like this:
Blocking execution: run in one thread, intersperse your code with calls to the high level PyRun*() functions
  1. ... do some stuff ... run python ... do some more stuff ... run more python ...
Simultaneous execution: run with multiple threads, launching ( and perhaps reusing ) a second thread whenever you want to run one of the high level PyRun*() functions
  1. ... do some stuff ... do some more stuff ...
  2. ... run python .... run more python ...
The first method means that your python script will block your game's processing loop; the second method means you have to synchronize access to any data shared between your game and python.

If you are only running truly short scripts, the first one might work -- though you will definitely want some way to abort scripts that enter an infinite loop. ( the code in this post could be adapted to do just that )

For the long haul, the second one will work must better, but it will definitely take more thought and more work up front. For quick and dirty integration, especially if you are in a situation where you are embedding scripting in order to support debugging and prototyping and don't intend to ship with Python as part of your game that extra work may be a burden.

Ideally, there would be an alternative embedding where you could run python for a small slice of time during each single frame.

See full post...

learn new C++ everyday

I don't remember when I wrote my first C++ program but it was probably about 15 years ago now.

Despite feeling like I know *a lot* about how C++ works, I have to admit, I occasionally stumble upon features I never even knew were there.

Do you know all about C++ namespaces? I always thought that knowing about aliasing made me cool:
namespace OriginalName { void SomeFunction(); } namespace MyName=OriginalName; //... MyName::SomeFunction();
But I just stumbled upon selective namespace export:
using OriginalName::SomeFunction; //... SomeFunction();
Who knew?

Related: I keep meaning to write a post about my recent re-discovery of member pointers. While member method pointers are old hat, I can't remember the last time I've used pointers to simple members -- and yet, last week I needed them on two completely unrelated tasks.....
typedef SomeMemberType SomeClassType::*MemberPtr;
It gives you a way to select and pass around a specific member from a class, without needing an actual instance of that class. It's like using offsetof() but typesafe, and, once you get the typedef in place, much more readable.

At any rate... more on that later.
See full post...

Wii .NET

Brian Peek on Coding4Fun ( a Microsoft blog ) has written Wii controller code usable from C# and VB.NET. He links to the info he used to do so.

All in all pretty cool.

I need to get a Bluetooth receiver now for my PC so I can try it out.
See full post...

Pop Quiz: Traffic Lights

As a follow up to yesterday's Power Calc article, which, in passing, mentioned state machines, I pose the following question to you:

How many states are there for a typical traffic signal controlling two perpendicular streets?

There's three light colors -- red, yellow, and green -- so that means there must be three states right?

Or, could it be that since there are twelve lights -- two streets, each street running in two directions, one set of three colored lights visible in each direction (2*2*3=12) -- that there are twelve states?

Or, noting, that opposite directions always have the same colors at the same time, perhaps that should be six states?

The correct answer is, in fact, none of the above....

See full post...

Power Toy Calc

Recently I worked with a group of people almost all of who used Excel to perform day to day calculations while programming. I, for one, seem hardwired to booting up Visual C and either using the compiler or the debugger, but surely there's a better way.

I've used the power calc in passing but never realized before today that, using it, you can create both variables and simple custom functions, even preserving them across sessions should you want to. For that occasional unit conversion -- feet to meters for instance -- power calc also has several common conversions built in ( That is, of course, assuming you have some aversion to Google's more complete search conversions. )

I like it best in "Advanced" mode with the "Samples" checked off ( both accessible via the "View" Menu) and the Graph rolled up. This turns off the visual keypad ( who uses the mouse to enter numbers anyway? ) and shows you both your input history and a listing of all currently registered variables.

Here's a screenshot:

power toy calc

Everything that shows up in the history box, is exactly as typed from the input line.
10 [lb->oz] x=5 f(y)=x+y f(7) x=2 f(7)
To be honest, I kind of hate the History mechanism; it feels pretty unpolished. I'd rather the input be at the top-left -- the graph and variables panels on the right -- and that the history work by simply dropping me to the next line ( thus mirroring the behavior of every other text entry app in the world ). The result of the calculation could simply be appended to the line where appropriate (eg. 5+4, becomes, after pressing enter: 5+4=9 ). A separate box ( at the upper right? ) for the current result to assist in cut and paste would probably be another good addition.

I'm sure there's good open-source and commercial alternatives out there. What do you use?

As a side note: for a somewhat interesting look at the Visual Basic Calculator's state machine bugs see the "Who moved my state" article or Miro Samek's Practical Statecharts book.
See full post...

Fluent SQL

Just a short post this week. 

I've been playing with SQL in a side project of mine and have hit upon a nice interface for building queries based upon fluent expressions. I've seen only just a few fluent expressions ever implemented in C++, and those mostly in research papers, so thought I thought this might be interesting to pass along to others.

See full post...

Flash, Forms, or DHTML?

I've been trying to learn more and more about web development over the last few months. In part just because there's a lot to the wider world of software than games, and I think that there's much that game developers can learn from that wider world ( and vice versa for sure ).

Deliberately unemploying yourself helps a lot I might add. There's generally so much to do when working on a game, it's hard to pursue extra-circular activities.

At any rate, there are a lot different UI solutions out there in the world for applications other than games, for lack of better terms let me lump them into the (probably incredibly poor ) categories: DHTML, Flash, and Forms.


Dynamic HTML is typified by HTML w/ embedded JavaScript, CSS, and the DOM. For the uninitiated the DOM is a set of semi-standardized interfaces that allow a browser to present HTML ( and XML ) for parsing/manipulation by JavaScript.

Flash, in this particular context, refers to the more generic concept of a platform for UI development and delivery than necessarily Flash itself, but of course, Flash is the foremost example of this.
Forms, here cover standard windowing applications, dialogs, and the APIs used to create them. To name a few: Java's AWT and Swing; MacOSX's Cocoa; Windows Win32, MCF, and .NET Forms; wxWindows; Tkl/Tk.

HTML wasn't originally designed with much more than simple, single page presentation in mind, but it has grown to the point that, with DHTML, it's a flexible, if work intensive, way to provide custom user interfaces for all kinds of content.

Unlike HTML, Flash is geared toward content over time. While DHTML has come close to some of Flash's capabilities, Flash was designed with user input and immediate feedback in mind. Flash also provides a very rich display mechanism, and in this sense becomes a complete platform for delivering user interface.

Forms, like Flash, are usually, though by no means always, part of a larger platform. Unlike both (D)HTML and Flash, Forms are geared towards making a consistent user interface across an entire application, and in some cases, across an entire OS.

These categories aren't completely rigid of course. The space between strict forms and the web has been blurring as more and more developers seek ways to build web based applications quickly. While there's "always" been HTML forms: buttons, text input boxes, etc. more recently there's been full on dialog like support. Among others there's: Microsoft's WebForms, and Mozilla's XUL. Flash likewise has been growing it's own native form extensions, whereas Windows latest .NET work is heading the direction of Flash.

Game UI Comparisons

User interface for games falls roughly into two categories: front end menus, and in game HUD. I say "front end" but of course there are in game options and inventory screens; I say "in game" but sometimes front end screens are over real time graphics. My phrasing here, like the UI models above, are meant to be more evocative than accurate or scientific.

That said, none of the models above match up really match up well with these two categories.
For instance, while Form-like consistency might be a good thing for a game's main menu I can't think of anything less consistent than game HUD. Even within the same game, there's tons of different elements that all do their own unique things. Further, Forms simply aren't as dynamic as game UI tends to be. Forms generally, well, just sit there. Game interfaces, even main menus, tend to jump up, blink, spin and turn every which way. MacOSX flying windows don't really even come close.

Flash, on the other hand while incredibly dynamic, is really, for lack of a better word, an engine for user interface. That may be good for some games, it really does come at a significant cost. Because it's a closed, proprietary system, extending Flash ( or any other UI system of this model ) to the needs of a particular game, and integrating it well with the rest of a particular game engine is no small feat. Both the editor and the language, for instance, really need to provide facilities for manipulating and displaying game elements, as well as facilities for talking to and interacting with game state.

DHTML is interesting to me precisely because it's so flexible, so widely used, and so relatively open. Like Flash, there is no model for talking to or displaying game elements, which is a problem. On the other hand, even if somewhat “transaction-oriented”, there are standard ways of talking to, and manipulating, state on servers. All that may be moot however. While there are some web-page based games out there, there are no commercial games that I know of that have ever attempted to replace custom UI with HTML.

Another Take

My simple analysis that no model matches exactly does miss an important point however – a fairly basic theme underlying these models. JavaScript, PHP, and even Flash are popular in a way that Form based programming isn't. Non-programmers feel free to use both Flash and DHTML. Unlike Form programming, they don't need compilers, or linkers. They don't really even need a complex editing environment. Though something like Eclipse does wonders: notepad ( or emacs ) works just fine. The language and the content are intermixable. A single html page can contain: markup, style, and programming all in one place.

The most useful advances in form programming of late, follow this same pattern, namely a tighter integration between form layout tools and the programming environment. This started long ago with the NEXT, but .NET finally has achieved a similar level, as has Java with the NetBeans IDE. ( NetBeans by the way, even though slow is pretty awesome even for those used to Microsoft's excellent programming IDEs. In fact, I would say it offers a lot of things that Microsoft could learn from. )

Perhaps if game developers are to learn anything from this, it's that if we really want non-programmers -- our designers and artists -- to be able to control front end menus and in game HUD, we need to begin to mix-up content, scripting, and presentation. I know this is anathema to good procedural programming but perhaps it's key to fast, flexible UI development.

A word of warning perhaps though. To be really advantageous to the game development process, I think we have a lot to learn about how to leverage the knowledge of existing user interface creators. 

Until we can use the hard won skills (D)HTML designers and Flash developers, we will probably be behind the curve -- continuing to spend large amounts of our development time on user interface development.

Final Note

Over the last few years there has been a growth in UI middleware for games. Where previously there was nothing there are now several different efforts. On the commercial front: Anark and Scaleform. On the open source front: Crazy Eddie's GUI. Microsoft's DirectX has simple GUI widget support. Shockwave/Director/Flash have always provided a platform for containing mini-games, but Flex may be providing some new steps towards going the other way: embedding Flash into games.

As I have some time I might, out of curiosity, see whether the middleware that's out there falls into any of my UI categories above, and just briefly, provide an update to this post as to which uses which.

See full post...

Blogging with XLST

For a while now I've been wanting to write something that would take a Microsoft Word document and transform it into post-able html.

Word has better formatting, editing, navigation, undo/re-do, and spell check than any standard blogging product I've found.

It took me all of today (oh boy but my XSLT was rusty) but I finally got something pretty decent working. You can get it here.

Ironically, this post was not written with Word, but most things from here on out will be.

Basic Features

For kicks I am using the O'Reilly Word document template (you can Google for "O'Reilly ORA.dot" to find a link to it) which once you get used to it is pretty fantastic. It has nice simple hot-keys and nice simple markup.

For my transform, for instance, I'm taking all the ORA "code blocks" from the Word document, and turning each new level of indentation into a new "ul" block. This avoids the Wordpress and html space normalization issues, and also means you can control how much indentation depth you want displayed.

How to Use it

Create a word doc! Note: If you are going to use my transform directly you will have to download the O'Reilly template and create your document based on its styles.

In Word:
  • You need to turn off merge tracking (you only ever need to do this once) Menu:Tools/Options/Security/"Store random number to improve merge accuracy"
  • Then, save the document in xml: Menu:File/Save As/Save As Type:"XML Document"
  • If you have a transform already to go you can then select the "Transform..." button.
  • Assuming you have saved your document in .doc form, go ahead and click the "Continue" button on the dialog that pops up.
  • Exit Word
Rename the xml file to an html file, and open that file in a browser to verify its contents.

You can now paste the contents of that file into your Wordpress ( etc ) blog.

Pretty neat!

Future Work

There's still some stuff worth doing:
  • I'd like to turn the cross references into links.
  • I'd like to handle embedded clip art and other images ( maybe i will save the file once as a html page, use that to generate standardized image files, and then in the transform just like to the corresponding filenames )
  • I'd like to learn how to group blocks of sibling elements together properly so that I can turn linear xml lists of bulleted paragraphs into a groupings of ul/li elements
  • I'd like to break the O'Reilly habit and create my own markup scheme in Word that I can use for the transform instead.
I'll update the template as I improve it.

Closing Words

Much thanks to Miloslav Nic for the Zvon tutorials

Much thanks to NetBeans for nice XSLT editor. While it does once again prove Java slow, there are indeed a whole lot of nice features to the editor.

This whole effort makes me think about all the neat things that this could have applications for in games. Primary example: turning an rtc script or conversation system document into localizable string tables for in game subtitle display.
See full post...

String Hashes

This long overdue post takes a brief look at string hashes.

I was trolling through blogs ( in the passing ship sense, not the flame-baiting, nor monster under the bridge sense ) and came across John Gior's post on FNV in games. Having never heard of FNV, I thought I'd take a look. Recognizing that covering just FNV is likely to be pretty boring, I thought I might take a look at string hashes in general.

In case you haven't used them before, or you don't think their useful enough to bother using them in your game, I'd like to introduce to the string hash:

String hash, meet the reader, reader meet the string hash.

String hashes can shrink the size of your data, and speed the execution of your application. Even as PCs and consoles get ever more RAM, and ever faster processors, string hashes can still have a place.

Hashing: A Quick Introduction

Hashing is typically used to store objects into an array in such a way that the objects can be retrieved quickly later on. A normal hashing algorithm goes something like this:

An object is reduced to a number ( the hash ):

   unsigned long ComputeHash(Object * object);
   ComputeHash (object1)= 0xfade;

That number is used to generate an index into an array of buckets ( the hash table ) in some cases perhaps simply by the hash modulus (%) the number of buckets:

   int CalcIndex(int hash, int numBuckets);
   CalcIndex (0xfade)= 0;

The object then gets stored in the bucket at the index calculated from its hash:

   array[0].Add( Object )

Since there are a fixed number of buckets but a large number of potential hashes, the buckets are usually implemented as linked lists. That way when (not if) two objects fall into the same bucket, they still can be retrieved as needed.

   array[0] => { (0xfade,Object1), (0x1234d,Object2) }

You might use a hash table in an RPG. For instance, you might want to keep a big list of all the usable items in memory. Rather than forcing your designers to give each one a compact, unique index, you might instead use the name of the item definition to generate a hash. Any time you load a new item from disk you can hash its name, and store the item at the calculated position in the hash table. Later, when someone requests the definition by name, you can hash the requested name, peek into the hash table, and retrieve the desired definition.

Fast, quick, flexible lookups.

At some point, however, someone realized that you could also do away the string altogether, and in fact, reduce most internal string data down to just the hash itself.

String Hashes

Internal strings appear a lot in game development. They might be designer specified names for your RPG's usable items, class names in a custom scripting language, console commands typed in by a user, or the name of network packets.

Essentially, a string hash allows you to "ossy compress" an arbitrary length string down into a single, fixed bit length, number. Instead of passing those internal strings of characters, you can instead just pass around the hash.

Note that word "lossy“ you can't reconstruct your string from the hash number alone. This means you can't go out and string hash all your localizable text and hope to reconstruct that text later for display, but it does mean you can hash all those strings that you don't display. Alleviating the storage space needed for internal strings, and reducing string compares to simple integer compares.

Ideally, you'd be able to get completely rid of all these strings altogether, except perhaps in debug mode where it can be useful to have in order to track what data is flying around.

A good first step in this direction is to introduce a StringHash class. Instead of passing around the references to strings everywhere, pass around references to the StringHash class.

A StringHash Class

Example 1-1 provides a very simple string hash class. This class allows you to generate a hash from a string, and then pass that hash around for use as needed in your searching, storage, and lookup functions.

Note that there's actually two implementations.

When IOND_KEEP_STRINGS is defined, perhaps for instance in a debug build, the string hash class selected actually copies and stores the string that created the hash. When the "keep string" is not defined, the string hash class selected does not keep the string around; it only stores the hash itself.

   Example 1-1. StringHash wrapper
//unsigned long under 32-bit compilers
typedef boost::uint_least32_t u32;
u32 ComputeHash(const char *);
struct RawStringHash {
. RawStringHash( const char * src ) {
. . m_hash=ComputeHash();
. }
. u32 Hash() const {
. . return m_hash;
. }
. bool operator==(const RawStringHash&o) const {
. . return m_hash==o.m_hash;
. }
. bool operator<(const RawStringHash&o) const {
. . return m_hash o.m_hash;
. }

struct StringHashWithString : RawStringHash {
. StringHashWithString( const char * src ) :
. . RawStringHash(src)
. . m_string(src) {
. }
. const char * String() const {
. . return m_string.c_str();
. }
. std::string m_string;
. u32 m_hash;
. typedef StringHashWithString StringHash;
. typedef RawStringHash StringHash;

Evaluating Hashes

The big question, of course, is just what goes in that ComputeHash() function.


Not all hashes are created equal, and there are several metrics worth considering when choosing a hash. A few metrics that I personally consider important include: speed to generate a hash from a string, complexity of hash code, frequency of collisions between hash values, and the ability to in-place strlwr.

The first two metrics are hopefully pretty understandable, the second two, however, probably deserve a brief explanation.

First: not all hashes are perfect. Try as they might, it's certainly possible for two different strings to wind up generating the same hash value. Some algorithms are better at avoiding collisions than others.

Second: when talking about internal strings, it's often worthwhile to ignore case. Whether a designer specifies "Magical Treasure Chest of Doo" or "Magical Treasure Chest Of Doom" they probably actually intended to refer to the same object. This is a matter of personal, and team, taste of course. I generally prefer case-insensitivity.

Given those metrics there are actually a large number of hashing algorithms worth considering out there. For purposes of this post, I simply chose some of the more common public domain ones.

25,760 Strings

In order to compare the speed and collision frequency of different hashes you will need some real world test cases. Ideally, you can use the actual data from your game.

For this post however I wanted to use a large set of strings that others could easily obtain to replicate my experiments.

Easier said than done. I needed a big batch of strings to test collision against, but all the games I could think of (and could hack into) had only tiny amounts of data. I was thinking I might try and hunt down some World Of Warcraft item and monster lists, but then decided instead to go to my shelf and crack open my copy of Freelancer. I went on to Lancer's Reactor, downloaded the data file un-packers, and *poof* twenty five thousand object names at my finger tips.


Table 1-1 compares the generation of 25,760 strings in a release build ( auto-selected optimizations ) using Visual C++ 2005 Express.

Table 1-1
Name Bit Depth Speed (ms) Collision Complexity Lower
boost::crc_32_type 32 162 none! high no
fast_boost_crc 32 61 none! high no
custom CRC 32 54 none! med yes
FNVA 32 56 none! low yes
FNV 32 51 1 low yes
Jenkins 32 37 none! high no
The native boost crc type is slow. It took me a while to understand why, but basically to be compatible with the crc "standard" (pkzip) the algorithm has to invert the bits of the source and destination hash -- believe it or not, that extra 100ms comes all from there.

The fast boost crc (shown in Example 1-2) tweaks the parameters of the boost crc template, to remove the bit inversions. I believe that this is the fastest boost crc possible.

   Example 1-2. Fast Boost CRC
typedef boost::crc_optimal<32, 0x04C11DB7, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, false,  false> fast_boost_crc;

My custom CRC type is basically just the boost algorithm manually expanded and tweaked to lay the statements out in a good order. The nice thing about manually expanding the algorithm is that it's possible to manually insert the strlwr'ing along the way.

The FNV(S) aren't bad but the FNV collides (just once), and FNVA is a little slower than my custom CRC code.

Jenkins looks awesome but it is worth noting that it works 4 bytes at a time, and thus can't be easily in-place strlwr'd. Further, since it doesn't look at individual characters, it can't automatically detect the end of your strings, and therefore also needs to know how long your strings are in advance.

The Hash Algorithms

More information on the various hashes can be found at:
Of these, I like the custom CRC. It has a good speed, manages to avoid collision well, and can be outfitted with strlwr. Unfortunately, CRC generation does require a table -- in this case a 1K table. If you need the space, than FNV/A would be good alternatives.

It's interesting to note that the stdext::hash_map in Visual Studio C++ 2005 uses FNV for it's hash computations.

Future Work

I will post my code here a little later on, and I also follow up with two additional posts:

"A purist's guide to string hashes" taking a look at keeping consistent StringHash structure sizes between builds, computing crcs at compile time, and how to obtain the perfect hash

"Applications of the string hash" showing how the string hash can be used in practice.
See full post...

Sample Chapter

I've just put my sample chapter online....
Feel free to take a look: Chapter 8: Templates.

Feedback (positive or negative) welcome and appreciated.

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Game Engine Internals

About the Book

This book, tentatively titled 'Game Engine Internals', is an introductory to intermediate level programming book dealing with real world game development problems that you can sink your teeth into. It aims to be the systems engineering equivalent of a basic mathematics or physics programming book and is therefore intended for readers interested in the guts of game programming.

Tackling the game development process from a fresh perspective - that of the fuel feeding modern game engines - it examines the fundamental role that data plays in the game development process from the very lowest level data records, up through a game's tools, out via the run-time of a game's engine, and into players' hands. The book exposes the hidden internals of modern game engines using applied examples in common game genres to help illustrate and teach the concepts presented.

Specifically, "Game Engine Internals":
  • Introduces you to the basics of data record and data format definition, data serialization, and the flow of data production in games.
  • Teaches you both traditional and modern game object creation techniques including the use of archetype, prototype, and template definitions as well as data driven component composition.
  • Explores various ways you can use data to control a game's run time including: game asset customization, data binding, function binding, and simple scripting.
  • Shows techniques you can use to build data introspection into your code, and then, ways you can apply that introspection to automate tasks such as serialization, data validation, and generic data editing.
  • Provides primers on player initiated load/save, multi-threaded loading, and data migration. It even shows you some ways you can usefully integrate relational databases into your games.
By specifically eschewing graphics, sound, input, and many of the other topics covered in typical game engine programming books, this book can give you a solid foundation from which to layer on those topics, or a way to weld the pieces of game engine knowledge you already have into a workable whole.

See full post...

been a bit

It's been a bit since i've posted anything -- i've been working on getting my book proposal out the door: today's finally the day.  Cross your fingers for me if you will.

I've got a post in the works on string hashes, and another slower burning one on introspection.

So stay tuned, there's more to come.
See full post...

my dream pipe application

Slash dot linked to tim o'reilly's post on yahoo!s new web site data manipulation tool.

Definitely worth a read -- i've never thought of the web this way before, but after trying to wrap my head around possible applications I've come up with my dream application. I love internet radio stations. One of my favorites is KEXP from out of Seattle. They play tons of stuff that I've never heard before -- and that I actually like. The physical radio stations in my area fundamentally fail on both these fronts.

Here's the problem: I hear stuff I'd like to buy later, but my memory's terrible. I've got a little notepad text file that I keep writing down band names and song names in, but it's not a very convenient format. I keep telling myself that, after the next major milestone in writing my book, I'll put together a little SQLite database, with a nice little C# editor that I can drop on my task bar. The advantage of a database is that I could actually sort by genre, artist, album, etc. See if anybody or anything keeps cropping up. Have I mentioned I have a bad memory? I think I've recorded the same song from the new ex-fluke album about four times now....

At any rate, I've thought about how cool it would be if my little tool could also seek out cdbaby, itunes, and amazon links for me, as well as pull down information about when the album was released.

And here's where pipes could come in.

KEXP's has both a visual, user friendly play list page and also a play list feed.

I hadn't thought about it before reading tim o'reilly's article, but that feed could be used to extract the name of the song, artist, and album... couple that to a query to google, amazon, or i-tunes, scare up a little server space somewhere. And it's good to go.

Here's how you could generate a good pile of cash -- setup a delicious like site with ads powered by google where I can swap my lists with my friends. If you want to be really cool, you can let me know what albums my friends have already purchased so I can swap tunez and check out full albums. ( I know albums. How twentieth-century. )

Now, either internet stations will have to standardize on feed-content, or each site would have to be coded individually. Even better, of course, would be to use Yahoo!s service to allow users of the sites to edit up their own feed filters.

If you get rich please remember to send me some dollars. No, really.... Thanks.

Now if only we could only convince soma to use feeds....
See full post...

YAML's Missing Type

The YAML processing specification defines, in concept, three basic node types: map, sequence, and scalar. In practice, however, the specification requires four: map, sequence, scalar, and string.

 This post looks at: first, why the specification has four types; then, whether typical parsers successfully handle all four types; finally: why it would be okay to simplify down to just three types: map, sequence, and typed string.

See full post...

Catalog Strategies

I've been working at some of the more fussy bits of my book's outline as of late.

One of the issues I keep stumbling on is where and how to introduce packages and catalogs. To get this worked out I thought I'd put my pen to paper ( fingers to keys? ) for a bit to formalize some of my thoughts.I don't expect this actual discussion to appear in the book, I'm gearing things there to be a bit more hands-on than this. Still, sometimes it's just useful to write...

See full post...


I've updated the formatting of a few posts, and fixed the most egregious spelling errors.

Thanks be to the Firefox auto-spell check ( though I honestly think my next mini-project will be an xml transform for Microsoft Word that will create posts straight from properly formatted doc files )

I've also added a short new page to the side bar about my book.
See full post...

About My Book

I'm largely keeping mum about my book until I've had a chance to have a real conversation with my publisher of choice. However, seeing as I have mentioned it in several different posts, I figure its worthwhile to say something here in the interim.

My book focuses entirely on the use of data in games, providing an introduction, for programmers both inside the industry and out, to a variety of everyday problems and their solutions. It's based on both my own personal experiences within the industry as well as a lot of research I've done over the past six months or so.

The writing part of the work is currently still only in the very beginning stages. I have what's known as a "talking outline" and have been working on some chapter samples as of late. If you look through my posts you will probably be able to gather that it will include a bit of Yaml, a bunch of C++, and, most likely, a dash of Python. I'm not sure yet how much of it will appear online.

At the very least, I'd like to have the raw source and descriptions of that source up here on the site. It depends a lot on the publisher of course, but I imagine I will likely stick with a dead trees format for the main content. Essentially, I'd like the site to be one project and the book to be another, but the two would ultimately complement each other.

We'll see. For now, though, you can take a look at my sample chapter: Chapter 8. Templates.
See full post...

A Simple YAML Parser

This post is part tutorial for, part documentation of, the Simple Yaml Parser.

The goal of this parser is to provide something that is simple to use, easy to understand, and trivial to duplicate. While I will talk a bit about the underlying implementation of the parser, this post focuses mainly on the parser's interface and how you go about using it.

For reference sake you can find more elsewhere about simple yaml and and complete yaml.

My first pass implementation of this parser requires the application to understand the basic structure of the data that exists in the file being read. This maps well on to C-like plain old data structures and provides an, albeit very basic, alternative to Syck for these data types.

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Syck and C/++

I've got a simple parser running that I will post up come Monday. First, some thoughts about Syck in C/++.

Syck does exactly what it sets out to do and does it well.

It's designed to efficiently translate Yaml into the data structures of dynamically typed languages: it's fast and has a fairly low memory overhead. It's fairly easy to use and there's a wide variety of languages that use it to drive parsing of Yaml documents: Python and Ruby to name two of the more popular ones.

For data in statically typed languages like C and C++, however, it's a bad match. The rest of this post examines why.

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In Search of a Simpler Yaml

As part of my continuing exploration of Yaml I'm putting together a rough spec for a simplified subset of Yaml. I will be updating it from time to time in order to give it a little more polish.

As part of this effort I am also going to put together a simple reference implementation which I will post here as well.

My overall goal is to put together a parser that is easy to understand and easy to duplicate. It won't be fast, and it wont be feature full. I do, however, want it to be completely compatible with the definitive Yaml specification.
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Simplified YAML

The Simplified Yaml format attempts to define the smallest whole unit of the Yaml language that's still meaningful.

This post introduces the simplified format, touching on areas that relate to the complete Yaml 1.1 Working Draft 2004-12-28 Specification ( "the spec" ) as a whole where appropriate. It's mainly targeted at programmers interested in understanding Yaml better, and is intended to help interested parties implement a simple yaml compliant parser quickly.

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I love YAML.

It's an easy to understand structural text format with a lot of promise for games. In my book I'm using YAML for all my examples because, even without in-depth explanations on syntax, people can intuitively grasp the meaning of simple YAML documents.

It's eminently grokable.

Yet YAML has a problem, primarily: one of adoption. Work on YAML began in 2001 and the first article that I've found went online in 2002. It has been around for six years, and still gets talked about, but after all this time, few, still, seem to be using it.

My measure of usage comes from a search of the net for articles, books, documentation, mailing list mentions, etc. It's possible that after writing this someone will come to me and show me secret YAML treasure trove, but it does appear I'm not the only one who feels this way. Why isn't YAML used more if it really looks so good?

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YAML Roadmap

What follows is an attempt to break the Yaml language down into meaningful chunks....

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