Once upon a time, I was a software development lead at Microsoft Games. Later, I got to live in Japan and work on Final Fantasy 15. Now, I live in Portland, Oregon where I do contract programming and pursue some personal projects in my free time. ( See linkedin for my professional projects. )
Tapestry Story Engine Link to heading
This is a work-in-progress experiment of writing game stories in an old new way. Harkening back back to text adventure games, it uses plain text to describe the world and a command-based scripting language to describe game rules.
The idea is to create a simple way of writing game stories, dialog, and quests that can be tested and iterated upon without needing any graphics. The “story engine” builds a Sqlite database of the world, allowing a developer to connect graphical assets after the fact. ( And in an engine of their choice such as Unreal or Unity, etc. )
I’ve used similar ideas on games including the Spyro 3 remaster and Alice ( below ). This particular project also doubles as an interactive fiction engine, because that’s how i roll.
Check it out at

Shift2Bikes Link to heading
I volunteer with a group who helps to manage the Shift2Bikes and Pedalpalooza website. ( Pedalpalooza is a giant bicycle festival, and annual Portland summer tradition. ) I rewrote the previous PHP backend in NodeJS, and have been helping to add new features to improve maintenance and usability.
Go bikes!

Alice and the Galactic Traveller Link to heading
An hour-long romp in the form of an old school point-and-click. Written in 2016, it used a very early version of the Tapestry story engine. It wasn’t meant to be pretty per se, just fun. ( Hooray for open-source sprites, and programmer art is all i can say. )
Play it for free on

HsmStateChart Link to heading
An easy-to-use hierarchical state machine for various languages.
Statecharts can be a handy way to coordinate large scale behaviors for everything from game AI to game UI. ( Anything with a two letter abbreviation, i guess. )
I particularly like the AngularJS version – because it provides a declarative way to build user interface. Rather than hide ad-hoc transition logic in various and disparate source files, a UI chart allows you to see the entire logic all in one go. ( And it allows you to view the hierarchy and current states at runtime by printing the tree as html. )
This is a (very) small example which increments and decrements a counter within a range:
<div hsm-machine="machine" ng-init="c= {val:1}">
<span>Click to change the counter:
<a href ng-click="machine.emit('click')">{{c.val}}</a>
<hsm-state name="increases">
<hsm-event on="click" run="++c.val"></hsm-event>
<hsm-event on="click" when="c.val > 2" goto="decreases"></hsm-event>
<span ng-if="">increasing</span>
<hsm-state name="decreases">
<hsm-event on="click" run="--c.val"></hsm-event>
<hsm-event on="click" when="c.val == 0" goto="increases"></hsm-event>
<span ng-if="">decreasing</span>