my life is now writing sql queries like this. ahg.
with tree(kind, path, idEphDefault, field, idModelField) as
/* seed the query with the defaults ephemera (kind,field,value requests;
the idEphDefault and field will be constant over the hierarchy for each entry.
( select ep.kind, parent.path, ep.idEphDefault, ep.field,
/* for each kind in the hierarchy, try to find the modeled kind, field pair */
( select m.rowid from mdl_field m
where m.kind = ep.kind
and m.field = ep.field
) as idModelField
/* find the parent path for the kind named by the seed */
from eph_named_default ep
join mdl_kind parent
on parent.kind = ep.kind
union all
/* add in the parents of each referenced kind */
select super.kind, super.path, tree.idEphDefault, tree.field,
( select m.rowid from mdl_field m
where m.kind = super.kind
and m.field = tree.field
) as idModelField
from tree, mdl_kind super
/* stop once we have found the modeled kind,field parent */
where idModelField is null
/* clip the parent kind from the ancestry path */
and super.kind = substr(tree.path, 0, instr(tree.path || ",", ","))
/* return the modeled kind,field,type and each ephemera's kind,field,value;
idModelField is 0 for missing kinds or kinds below the ephemera's kind, field pair
select idEphDefault, coalesce(idModelField,0) as idModelField from tree