i’ve been trying to figure why my project is such a drag right now. i think it’s that each task i’m doing is a bunch of small challenges.

the overall goal is to work through the “ephemera” – transient data extracted from a story – and assemble that into a self-consistent story model.

the individual tasks involved deciding on the input and the output tables for each feature, figuring out the sql statements necessary to read and write those tables, mocking up data and tests to make sure everything works.

rinse wash repeat for a dozen or so features. where each feature is designed and evaluated by me.

while “burning both ends of the candle” is not quite the right analogy, the point i guess is that it’s all malleable. both the inputs and the outputs are up for grabs. and while i know more or less what it should all look like, i still have to justify each piece to myself, then map out and implement the individual steps.

even each piece only winds up being fifty or so lines of code, my current pace is a feature every one or two days.

still remaining?

  • generate instances and select kinds ( classes ) for those instances.
  • assign default values to the fields and aspects ( states ) of each kind.
  • assign initial values to instance fields.
  • assign initial traits ( the specific value of an aspect ) for each instance.

so probably another week of slogging.

i look forward to having a story written in makisu extracted into a model that can be explored with a web-browser.

from there, it will be making that model work in a game, as a game – working through all the details of getting the code in iffy running on par with the original code i used for alice.