for my story engine editor, trying to see how optional elements can be represented. it’s easier to have a handle for editing something when something exists than when it does not.

blockly does it with mutator controls, which i find confusing. they don’t show a user where something will appear; it’s spatially disconnected.

i have an editing spec shaping up.

i think what will happen is that the serialized instance model will have to expand into an intermediate format suitable for vue ( ex. array elements as primitive values, strings in serialized arrays; elements as objects with key/ids for vue. )

a cached linear list of leaf nodes pulled that intermediate format to determine “neighbors” for adding elements to blank spaces. so i guess, optional spots would have to appear in the intermediate format…?

anyway, that’s what i’m pondering today.

( also, had a student interview me today about the video game industry. that was somewhat novel. hope they got the info they wanted. maybe just a passing grade ;) )