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Building Ue5 — Jul 22, 2024

I finally got around to setting up ue5 yesterday. I sometimes forget about the build times. Like it was all a fever dream. 12979.21 seconds ( so says VS2022 ) is 3.6 hours. 🤕 And that was after making changes to its build configuration ( below. ) To be fair, a lot of that is down to C++ itself. It’s just a slow language to compile. Not only template expansion, but header file management and the rules that #define imply for them. More ...

ParserComp 2024 — Jul 16, 2024

I’ve been playing my way through this year’s ParserComp entries. It’s an annual GameJam for text-based parser games where the winner gets their own lantern. ( And why not? It can get dark out there. ) I like text-based games because i think constraints bring creativity1. Even with AAA games, the specific questions of how you can make a game that fits within the constraints of hardware can yield really interesting art styles and gameplay choices. More ...

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These are older posts which i think are still cool or useful in some way. ( Some of the formatting is a little off here and there due to conversion from earlier versions of the blog. )

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