Controlling Moai Rendering Order - Part 2

This is the second of two posts looking at ways to control object rendering order in Moai. That is, managing which objects appear on top of which other objects in your game.

The first post looked at the more straight-forward techniques of using insertProp() ordering and pushRenderPass() layering. This post looks at two more techniques: Partition priority and render tables. It requires digging a little bit under the hood to see first: what the code is doing when you insertProp, and, second: what happens when you pushRenderPass. Both techniques are very handy, so without further ado...

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Controlling Moai Rendering Order - Part 1

Using Moai, how can you ensure one object appears over top of another? Maybe you need a starfield to appear under your ships, perhaps you want to see through a translucent window to objects behind a building, or maybe you just need a dialog button to appear over its background.

Most 3d games use a z-buffer to record the depth of each pixel rendered, and rely on a z-test so that pixels closer to the viewer can take precedence over pixels further away. Many 2d games, on the other hand, rely on rendering order to control which objects display over what. Every new object rendered simply overdraws ( or blends on top of ) whatever is currently on the screen.

In Moai, by default, it's rendering order that controls appearance. How, then, do you control the rendering order of objects? In what follows, I'll explain four techniques you can use to get your scenes rendering how you want...

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